Chozen is an animated comedy about its title character, Chozen, a gay white rapper fresh out of prison. Armed with a new message, Chozen is on a quest for redemption and to claim his rightful position as the world's top rap artist. His music and lyrics take aim at the stereotypes of machismo and misogyny that is synonymous with rap music. And his new world view has been shaped by his time in prison. - Written by FX Network
这部剧是08年下半年冒出来好得出人意外的爆笑小喜剧。本来作者想拍个电视剧,但找不到真人演出,又找不到动画师帮他画,于是就自己摸索著用动画软体做了个短片,然后拿去参展,竟然被HBO看上,就此搬上萤幕,成为继Flight of the Conchords后,HBO又一最新喜剧杰作。本剧围绕主人公TIM的工作生活展开,讲述了这个囧男每天被同事调侃,被女友折腾,被朋友涮锅的种种窘事。整集25分钟的动画,虽说没有笑的前仰后合,不过一直是让人欲笑还抑之的状态。虽然画面很简单,甚至可以用简陋来形容,不过精彩诙谐的对白完全弥补了画面的缺憾,甚至使原本简单的画面更透出一股灵气。更加值得一提的是,本剧的配音演员口齿清晰,发音纯正,语速虽然快,不过用词简单,是难得的学习口语的优秀教材。不过先提一下,毕竟是成人动画,所以有些段子还是有点颜色的,不要把它想象成PG或者是G级别的动画。
This popular animated television cartoon featured two Stone Age families, the Flintstones and their neighbors, the Rubbles. Much of the humor was based on its comic portrayals of modern conveniences, reinterpreted using Stone Age 'technology.' Most notably were their cars, complete with absence of floorboards to allow them to be 'foot-powered.'